Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holiday Party for the City of San Diego

Curly Max and I were the sole entertainment for the City of San Diego's holiday party! This was really fun! We met some commissioners, the whole staff, and played a few solid hours of holiday favorites. The whole thing was paid for by the city staff themselves "out of their own pockets," which is why they appreciated us playing good music for not too much money.

Both of us had to leave school early on the last day before winter break to do the show, but our counselors made sure our teachers knew what we were doing. We didn't tell them there was cheesecake involved.

Here's the party, everyone played games between our sets!

Secret plans.

"Ah, could you boys play now?"
"Uh, no."
"Please? Please could you play for us now?"
"No, man. We're on our break, bro. And Max is still eating his cheesecake."
"PLEASE? Pretty please? I'm begging you, please play for us?"
"Well... I guess... OK."

Just kidding! We played for like 2 hours or so, and everybody gave us so many tips and clapped so much we really didn't want to stop! This was probably the best concert we've ever given.

Curly Max and I realized that we were coincidentally wearing the EXACT same pants and shoes, except my shoes are blue -

The mandolin was a hit:

We don't usually brag about how much money we make for Fresh Start from a single gig, BUT we made a whole LOT of money for Fresh Start from this gig!

Tips - $120
Paid - $150
Total - $270

BUT the money is going to be DOUBLED from the mysterious double-donor benefactor from Arizona who will remain nameless, so the day's Grand Total is -


Which brings our year total up to $930, doubled to $1860! The Gibson Guitar Graph has gone up, we're close to the top now:

Thanks to the entire City of San Diego, the personel department and everyone who made this party a great success. We really had more fun this day than any time before, and it was a great way to end the year!

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